Getting Black to Business Pt. I

June 4th, 2020
By: Madinah Ashamu
Hi everyone, we are writing today full of mixed emotions. I knew I wanted to share a post this week but I was unsure how to approach everything going around right now. So as in my nature, I put it off. I put off creating and writing. I put it off because it felt unnatural to continue on, business as usual, while the world was set ablaze. BUT I finally found my voice, so strap in, this will be a little bit of a longer post. But I promise you it is worth the read. You ready?
People across the globe are saying enough. Black people are unifying against injustice. We are saying we want to be recognized. We are demanding to be heard. The passion and unity is magnificent. It is inspiring. We will not stop until lasting change is achieved.
Because of this global outrage, everywhere you turn you are confronted by the many ways in which the system in place falls short. All this information, oftentimes graphic, does become overwhelming. It is especially overwhelming if you experience these injustices firsthand and then are subjected to constant reminders. It can become too much. It makes work even more difficult.
I want to highlight the ways we can take care of ourselves while also making a difference where we can. Especially as businesswomen, as creators and contributors, we have to safeguard our wellness. Take time to get back to the things that give you hope.
Disconnect. & Recharge.
Allow others to carry the burden of activism, if only for a day. It makes for a better you, which will, in turn, help your business and help us on our road to justice. We need to do our best to make it there together while prioritizing our mental wellbeing, our physical health, and our spirit.
As a businesswoman missing even one day of potential marketing, planning or building can feel like a loss. But it is okay to take a break. Yes, I said it. I am here to tell you to REST.
Get the support you need to come back stronger.
Here’s how:
Here are some resources to check out:
CBT Thought Record Diary
PTSD Coach
Distress Centers of Greater Toronto
Increase your time outside beneath the sun (Get the vitamin D)! Increase your time spent talking with loved ones, dancing, singing, and eating your favourite foods. Focus on getting those endorphins and reward hormones up. Focus on feeling good.
Contribute in ways that are sustainable. I have a feeling this fight for justice will be a long one. The risk for burnout and compassion fatigue coupled with pandemic fatigue is real! The Canadian Mental Health Association has already reported an increase in the need for support. I will link some great resources below, please use them. Donate what you are comfortable with.
Now more than ever, we are truly realizing the power in our voices. Use them. Speak up. If you need support, tell somebody. If you found a good resource, share it. If you have an idea, or a perspective on how we can make this world a better place. Use your platform. Speak on it.
Here are some funds that you can donate to:
Run with Maud
There are people who count on us for services and products. If not for them, we need to think about how we are needed in the fight for liberation. None among us are free until all are free, and that's a fact.
Until next time all
Keep fighting, stay beautiful,